Saturday, December 20, 2008


Thursday, December 18, 2008


The first technology I want to talk about it one i learned in the computer class! It's Microsoft publisher! I have never even worked with this tool life! Until the assignments in this class, I discovered it to be a EXTREMELY useful and fun tool! You can use it for just about anything! When you first enter the program it tells you all the different format options you have. For example, it has one for brochures, newsletters, fliers, greeting cards, labels, postcards, calendars, business cards and important word documents. If you click which one you need then it sets up a format for you that is so easy to follow and lets you create a nice newsletter or whatever project your doing easily and quickly. It also makes it easy to upload pics into your project, and also add things like, clip art, fun fonts, lots of colors and borders!

This tool will be very useful if I teach a little bit higher grade like fourth fifth or sixth. The students could use Microsoft Publisher for many of their assignments to make them nice and neat and also formatted correctly. I think they’d really enjoy this tool.

The next technology I found was one that all elementary age kids can use! Its called career voyage! It's hard for kids to know what they really want to do with their life when there are so many choices. We want them to have information on what jobs are growing, what jobs are paying, and what jobs are just emerging. This website is intended to be a helping hand for the kids to research the jobs they might like and to discover some new favorites. It’s not really like homework it’s more like having some fun! It’s a really fun website! It has a quiz for you to take to see what your interested in, then it gives you a list of jobs that match up with your interests! After that there are many videos on each job that the children can watch to see what each job involves!
This tool is extremely fun and interesting! I think elementary kids would love it! I think it will help them decide what they want to be even though it’s a long ways away in their future!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

EDEL 2200-01

This week in computer i continued working on all of my projects that are due this week as our final project! I decided to do most all of it in microsoft publisher because i really like the set up of the program! It was simple to do my brochure because its easy to find all the font choices, text colors, sizes and all the fun things you can add to it to make it look fun! I could also choose the brochure format from the begginning and it set up all my columns and helped me through the proccess! I did my brochure about a field trip my class would be taking. It was fun to create and had a lot of good information about the subject that would make it easy to follow and to give an idea to the parents where there child will be going and what they will be doing. It could also help get my students excited.

I think this will be a really useful tool for when i become a teacher. One of the reasons is that in elementary school the kids go on field trips often, so it'll be fun to create brochures to show them what they will be doing and seeing. Not only will the brochure idea be useful for field trips but many other subjects! I had a lot of fun in this computer class and I learned a lot. I think it will really help me in becoming a successful teacher in the future.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


This week in computer I got together with some of my friends and we got a few of the projects done. We starteed out doing the classroom rules. I did it in powerpoint, I chose a fun background and then found five fun pictures that would go along with the rules i chose for my classroom. I also found a background i liked and put it around the rules so it went alot with the requirements for the project. Next, we decided to do the flier. I did it about a fundraiser my classroom was going to do. I told all the information about it and then decorated it with cute colors and pictures. After we did those two assignments we started on our google sights assignment. We found out how to insert the calendar and then then filled out two events for nine weeks on the calendar. These tools will be very useful in my classroom someday. For the classroom rules i can make a decorative list of them in the powerpoint program to print off to hang on my wall. Then for the flier i can also use powerpoint to make a flier to advertise an event that the public needs to see. These tools will be very useful. Google sights will also help me out alot! It will help me be organized by using the calendar. Its easy to use and very accessable. I really enjoyed doing these assignments, because i learned alot!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

EDEL 2200-001

This week in computer was a lot different from the other weeks! Doc Waters gave us a list of all the different things we needed to do for rest of the semester! I really like this idea because its allowing us to work on everything in our own time and at our own pace. I think i will enjoy it a lot more because i wont be stressed about due dates and gettting it done quick i can enjoy doing it and do my best on all of it since i have till the end of the semester!

The thing i started working on was the class rules. We were to make a list of all our class rules as if we were a teacher already. I thought of about ten. A few of them included, treat others how you would want to be treated, give respect and you will gain respect, no swearing, have fun learning, and there were a few more included on my list. I had fun designing and decorating my list. I made it cute and fun to look at so it would add to my classroom decor. I am looking forward to getting the rest of the assignments done and learning how to better from each tool that we will be using over the next few weeks!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This week in computer was a little different than our normal weeks of class. Doc Waters left us to play with kidspiration and learn how it works and figure out all the things you can do with it! While i did this, I realized that it is a very fun, useful and easy to use tool! I has everything! It has many different sections that include: Picture view, writing view and math view. Each of these bring up a new window that you can type in. You can create word webs, type a paper, insert pictures and a bunch more! Then there is a math, writing, science and social studies button that will help your kids learn each concept and more about that subject!

I think kidspiration is a very useful program for teachers! When I am a teacher I could let my kids play on it everyday for about thirty minutes and im sure they would learn alot! I could also have them do assignments on it and do activitys as a class on kidspiration! Its a fun interactive tool! I also think kids would like it because its a computer activity and kids seem to love to work on the computers! It has so much and would make learning fun and easy! I really liked this tool and hopfully I will get to work with it more later on!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

EDEL 2200:001

In computer class this week we did something a little different! We continued using the program powerpoint however, we did a few group activities! We all were supposed to bring our powerpoint books we purchased and we were divided into new groups of five or six. As a group we skimmed through the book and found two activites we thought were cute, fun and ones we would want to do. Next, we started to make a powerpoint of the activity so we could do it as the student would but teach it as the teacher. The first activity my group chose to do was one about smoking. Each letter in smoking stood for a certain fact about smoking or smokers. For instance, S- smoking kills 44o,ooo people each year! We learned some interesting facts about smoking and it was also a lot of fun to do! The next one we chose to do was one about the times we need to wash our hands. Like after using the bathroom, before you each and when your sick. This one was a cute and fun one to do also. Last but not least after filling in the information onto the slides, we decorated them! We added different formats, colors, sounds and transitions to make our slides more exciting and fun to watch! Now next week we get to present them to the class!

I thought this week in computer was a lot of fun. I know as a teacher i can really use powerpoint as a good teaching tool!n Its a fun easy program and is very effective. It gives the student a good visual and makes the lesson organized. I can use the many ideas in my powerpoint book for lessons in my classroom. I can also use the powerpoint presentations to teach my class!
I think powerpoint is a funny, easy and effective way to teach!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


There are so many different uses for digital cameras! Expeciall if you are going into the teaching field!

One of the many uses for a digital camera is to use pictures for an attendance chart! You can take a picture of each student and put it where they sit on the seating chart., that way you can look and easily see who is in class and if they are in their right seat. This way you can also learn the faces well of the students in your class! It would be a fun creative seating and attendance chart.

You can also use a digital camera on field trips! It would be fun for you and your students to have pictures of the activities and fun times you have while on a field trip. You could create a fun class scrapbook each year from all the fun events you and your class participated in!

Another fun way to use a digital camera is to take pictures of you and your class daily and post them online on your blog or the schools website for parents to look at and see what their child has been doing in class!

There is also many lesson plans that allow you to use a digital camera. For instance when learning the weather you could take pictures outside of the weather and hang them around the classroom. Or when you are learning body parts have the kids take pictures of their different body parts and post them on a bullitin board.

Another fun way to use a digital camera in the classroom is for crafts! Take pictures of the students and make picture frames to frame the pictures for them to give to their parents. Or you could also have them make a collage of all the different pictures they take, or even their own personalized bookmark or thank you cards!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

EDEL 2200:01

This week in computer we started to learn how to use picaso! We started out by dividing into groups of four or five depending on what grade we were planning on teaching. My group is the second grade group. We then went out side to gather pictures of plants and animals. Once we had taken about ten pictures of horses, trees, grass, birds and so on, we headed inside and put them onto each of our flash drives so we could all have them. We then uploaded them into picaso and started learning how to alter them. It was kinda fun to play with! We made different folders and started to change them but also kept a copy of the original photo. We could make them into sepia, black and white, sharpen the image, spotlight a certain color or area, resize it, flip it and do many other cool effects to it! I really enjoyed playing with picaso, and am excited to learn it better!

I know that picaso is a very useful progam and is also fun! I don't know a ton about it yet, but what i do know is that it will come in handy in my future classroom. I can take photo's of my class and activites we do and upload them onto picaso to alter them and make them full of fun effects to decorate my class room to make it fun for the kids. Also if i teach a little older kids we could let them play around with picaso and have their own fun!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

EDEL 2200:001

This week was a fun week in computer. We learned how to use the powerpoint program. I am somewhat framilar with the powerpoint program already from my middle school and high school days, which made going over it in class more enjoyable for me because i knew the basic's and wasn't confused or stressing over it. It was nice to be able to refresh my memory with the program.

In powerpoint there is so many different tools, options and actions you can do. It's actually even fun and intertaining to sit down and play around with because there is so much to explore and figure out! One of my favorite tools to use on powerpoint is the Word Art tool. With word art you can choose a what you want your text or word to look like and there is SO many different options. Then you can make it look 3D, put a shadow behind it, change the size, color, and even make the word into a different shape for example you can make it into a circle, stop sign, star, heart and many more different shapes I thought that was a fun and creative. There is also many more objects and fun things you can add to slides like trasitions, sounds, website links, pictures and clip art!

I think Powerpoint will be a very useful program in my future class room. I can make slides of notes that i want my students to write down and show them in class so its easy to understand, write down and read. I can also use powerpoint for lessons and have a different powerpoint presentaion for each lesson i do, that way I will stay organized as a teacher and it will be easier for my students to learn and will give them a visual of what I am talking about in class. Powerpoint also makes things more interesting instead of a teacher just strictly lecturing to her students. I really like powerpoint and think it is definatly a good program to learn and use in a successful classroom.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Septemer 24, 2008

UEN Reflection
I think UEN will be a very useful site for when I am a teacher. Not only will it be useful for me, but also for my students. When I am a teacher I can use UEN to post my core curriculum and what I expect from my students. I can post assignments, tests, quizzes and announcements on UEN for my students to see and have easy access to. Students can also keep track of where they are in the class and see what they are missing easily, so they can do the best possible in my class. I can also post information for parents and the public to read and see what is going on in my class if they are interested.
UEN has many convenient tools you can use to make things easier and more accessible. It has cool tools like my bookmarks, the weather, a calendar, a dictionary and a ton more! I am not completely familiar with everything on UEN. But when I get more familiar I know it will be a very useful tool! One thing I learned how to do this week with the UEN website, was pioneer library. On pioneer library my students and I can find a ton of stuff and information we can use for writing papers and completing assignments. It is a good school website that can be very useful and has a ton to offer.
Another task I can use UEN for is to create my lesson plans. I can create them on UEN and that way they will be easy to access and it will keep me organized as a teacher. It will make things flow a lot easier to have everything I need on UEN. Last but not least I can use the interactives. They will help make things more interesting and keep students involved and help them pay more attention. They also will make things more clear.
All in all I think the UEN website is a great tool and will help me as a student, a teacher and my future students. It has a ton to offer and I am excited to get more familiar with it.

Friday, September 19, 2008

September 19, 2008

This week in computer we learned a lot! We started the week off by creating our own website. We went to a place by the name of which allowed us to choose our own URL which will take you straight to your web page on the internet. I chose mine to be But anyway after we did that and filled out some simple information, we got to create our own web page. I started out choosing a background which i liked the best, then the design how i wanted it layed out on the page. I just stuck to the regular layout. But from there we listed our top 10 dreams! It was fun to do because i really have not thought of my dreams in a long time and im at the age i should probably start working hard towards them! After i listed my top ten dreams, i listed some bullets of simple things like my hobbies, where i am from, my family, and what sports i play. When I got home i also downloaded some pictures of me and uploaded them onto my web page. I really enjoyed this part!

I think having and knowing how to create your own web page will help me out a ton when i am a teacher! There is so many different ways i could use it. One way i think would be a fun way to use it would be to make sort of an online scrapbook of my class that the parents and family members of the students could look at to see what goes on in class. I could take pictures of my class and write about the activites we did that day. I also could use it to tell about myself to give parents of my students a little more information about their child's teacher. That might give them a more safe and secure feeling about sending their child to me each day. I really thought it was cool to make my own web page, and im sure i will use this tool more than once!

Another thing we did in class this week was create a uen accout. We filled out some information about us and then created a username and password. This was basically to keep us in the school's network and it will send emails to our UVU email account. We played around with this for quite awhile. We learned how to alter it to our liking. For example we can change the color and how the columns are set up. We also can choose what we have on our main page. Whether we want the weather, documents, polls or even stock markets! I thought that was kinda cool. We also learned how to work the pioneer library and how to find information we will need throughout our college experience.

I know i will use my uen account because it has a ton of helpful tools. When i am a teacher i can show my students this and work with other teachers through this tool. I think it will be a very helpful thing to know once i fully understand it and know how to work it good! I learned a ton in class this week and also had some fun!

Friday, September 12, 2008

EDEL 2200-001

This week in Edel 2200, we worked with a few different programs. First of all on tuesday we started working with Microsoft Word. We began going over the very basics and then moved on to a little more detailed tools. First off we learned how to create a new document. We then typed two or three sentences and learned how to format them by changing the font, color and size. We also learned about a button in the top left corner which allowed you to high light your text then it automatically formatted it to the rest of the document. I thought this was cool, because i have used word a lot in my life and have never known about this little shortcut. We then moved on the word art, which is a fun little detail that word has. It lets you create fun looking unique titles, phrases and words. With word art, you can make the word have shadows, form a circle or any other shape, make it go vertical or slanted, have any color, shade and even texture! It was really fun to play around with word art. We also learned how to costomize your own microsoft word on your own computer. For instance, if you want to have your text verdana always and size 14 then you can go in and make it so everytime you access word and type it types in verdana and 14 point font with out you having to go in and change it. We then had a fun assignment to create our own dream computer and we filled out info on what we would want our dream computer to be then we copy and pasted pictures from the internet onto the document.

I know that word will help me a TON when i become a teacher. Word is where i will want to type up all my lesson plans, Students worksheets, notes to send home with the children and letters. It is a very usful program. I really like working in word, because it is simple to work in once you have learned how to do it. It also has SO many different tools and I want to learn more details about the program one day because it has a lot to offer.

Another program we used this week in computer was excel. I have worked some in excel but only know a few of the basics. We made a chart of the top five countries gold medals in an event we chose. And also created a pie chart to give us a visual look at it.

I think excel will come in handy when I am a teacher, because it would be a good place to create schedules, charts and graphs for my future classroom.

Friday, September 5, 2008

September 5th 2008

So this week in computer class we all were encouraged to get a blog, facebook, gmail and engrade account. While doing this, I realized it was the most enjoyable homework assignment I have had in a long time. It was simple to create the accounts, but its taking some exploring to figure out some of the many things you can do on facebook. However, i have already found many of my friends profiles and have had a lot of fun checking them out and catching up on what I have missed back in my hometown. I have also come to find out that many people i know from Blanding also blog! I read some of my old friends and even family member blog pages and it was way interesting.
I think facebook, gmail and blogging will help me out not only when i become a teacher, but also as a student. It's because they are very easy, fun and accessable ways of communicating. I thought it was way cool to find out my computer teacher wants me to contact her through facebook and gmail. They also help you get used to computers and how they work. Before this class i was only a myspacer, but i'm beginning to also like facebook! I enjoyed this week of computer class!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

EDEL 2200

Test Post :)