Friday, September 5, 2008

September 5th 2008

So this week in computer class we all were encouraged to get a blog, facebook, gmail and engrade account. While doing this, I realized it was the most enjoyable homework assignment I have had in a long time. It was simple to create the accounts, but its taking some exploring to figure out some of the many things you can do on facebook. However, i have already found many of my friends profiles and have had a lot of fun checking them out and catching up on what I have missed back in my hometown. I have also come to find out that many people i know from Blanding also blog! I read some of my old friends and even family member blog pages and it was way interesting.
I think facebook, gmail and blogging will help me out not only when i become a teacher, but also as a student. It's because they are very easy, fun and accessable ways of communicating. I thought it was way cool to find out my computer teacher wants me to contact her through facebook and gmail. They also help you get used to computers and how they work. Before this class i was only a myspacer, but i'm beginning to also like facebook! I enjoyed this week of computer class!

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