Sunday, November 1, 2009

Strengths & Weaknesses EDEL 3250-01

According to the UNI surveys we took, it showed that operating basic and discipline-specific equipment LCD display projectors; scan converters; laserdisc players; VCRs; graphing calculators in math; MIDI keyboards in music; and scanners and still, digital, or video cameras in the visual arts and use it to support instruction and inquiry specific to the content area is one of my main weaknesses however, I realized I am more weak in technolgy then I have ever realized. Another one of my major weakneses was using audio/visual resources (audiotapes, videos or slides) to access information and analyze the authority, accuracy, currency, and relevance. Although I discovered many weaknesses I have in technology, I also have many strengths. One thing I am really good with is communicating through email and using the internet.

One goal I would like to reach is learning how to properly use and incorporate projectors into my classroomm for the future when I am a teacher, but even now for my student teaching and field work. I also want to make it a goal to plan lessons using digital cameras if possible and also learn how to properly use a scanner because there is many things I could use it for in order to have a more successful classroom. One goal I would like to make out of my strengths, is to teach and encourage my students to use email and show them the advantages with email I also want to communicate with my students parents and other teachers through email because I think it is such a great tool for communication. I also want to teach my students how to surf the web properly and safely because the internet is such a helpful tool.

The first tool I would use to help me learn about these technologies would be a tutorial on technology this tutorial would help me strengthen in this area because it shows and tells about many different technologies including projectors. Another tool i would use would be the podcast it tells about incorporating technology into the classroom and how to operate some of the different tools in technology. I also found some fun surveys that wold be fun to have your students take to see their opinion on using the tools in technology!

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