Sunday, November 29, 2009

EDEL 3250-01

Field was so crazy! So much has been going on between field and Thanksgiving. One thing I am thankful for is Technology! I didn't realize how much teachers use technology until I was finished with my three and a half weeks of field experience! One thing I thought was so awesome during field and was brand new to me, was a promethean board. I had the opportunity to use it a few times during field. The teacher uses the promethean board as her main teaching tool. The class does their daily grammar on the board which is known as their DLR's. The kids can come up and correct the sentances on the promethean board, it was like drawing on a computer screen. My cooperating teacher also taught her class math on the promethean board each day. She would have a problem on the board and then after the students attempted solving it, she would click and drag away a shape that was covering the answer and then the answer would appear allowing students to check their own work. I thought the promethean board was one of the coolest pieces of technology i have ever saw.

Mrs. Rigby my cooperating teacher also gave me a chance to work with their grading books that were also online. They used a program by the name of powerschool. I realized how much of a time, space and writing saver this program was. It made entering grades alot faster not only did it keep it very organized it also figured out all the percents automatically. Another cool feature powerschool had was it color coded the students who were struggling in red then yellow then Green for good. It made it easy to see what you were working with. I really liked entering the grades on powerschool and hope that the school I work for one day with have the same feature!

One thing field really made me open my eyes to, is the importance of technology in the classroom. The class I was in had technology integrated in almost 100% off the time. I think that technology is the effective way to teach this generation of students. Technology is what they know and have been immune to their whole lives. I enjoyed the time I had in field and now have a better idea of how to prepare myself for being a teacher one day!

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