Sunday, September 20, 2009

EDEL 3250-01

So this week we went over podcast and vidcasts. And it was cool for me, because I had NO CLUE what a podcast or a vidcast was before this. I think vidcast and podcast could be really helpful in my future class. You can post vidcast and podcasts on your classroom website so parents and students can just click and hear instructions for a certain assignment, or a list of some important things for a future school day! I think children would expecially like the idea of a podcast or a vidcast because how fun is it to see your teachers face on your computer or to hear her voice at home. Also it would be easy for younger children to follow intructions with a vidcast or podcast for instance maybe a kindergartener cause they might not know how to read yet so its easy for them to follow instructions with a visual or listening. We also are getting to create our own vid and pod casts in class in our groups, its fun using the new technology I have never seen or used. We are having fun and thinking of some creative ideas! And I am also so thankful we learned about googledocs cause it has been EXTREMLY useful during this semester being in the program!

This week in our other classes we went over different types of lesson plans! It is insane how many different ways there is to create a lesson plan from backwards to design to an inquiry lesson plan! I am excited to create my own lesson plans to use for our student teaching coming up sooner than later!

WOW! This weeks video really opened my eyes to blogging! Before I watched that video
I didn't realize how important blogging can be! All those reasons for blogging the video showed are really true! Blogs help kids, have a voice, share, create conversation and so much more! One thing that is really going to stick with me is when the movie said, "To prepare students for their Digital Futures" and that is so true! Everyday that passes more things rely on technology. I really enjoyed this video it stated a really good point! I think blogging is definatly a good thing to have in todays classrooms.

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