Sunday, September 6, 2009

Blog #2 EDEL 3250-01

This week was a very interesting week. It was the first real week of the program and I have already learned so much! First of all in Doc Waters class I recieved a refresher on everything from a year ago when i took the first computer class from her, it was fun to see how much important stuff I really learned but forgotten. We went over Google Docs and how it works. Not only will it help me a ton throughout the program but also in the future when I am a teacher. In the program Google Docs will make it so much easier for me and the other girls when we are working in groups. We can all upload our part of the project into Google Docs so we can all give each other ideas and edit one another's work and put it all together. I also think it will come in handy when im a teacher because I can teach my students how to use it and it will work the same for them as it does for me. They can work eaiser in groups and view everyones work from any computer. They can also use the fun drawing techniques to make their work more creative I know they will expecially enjoy that since they are elementary aged children. I also love the idea of having our own google site! It makes it so easy to outline the class criteria not only for me as a teacher but easy for my students to view so there is less confusion on what is expected of them and they will have something to refer back to. I think the parents of my students would also love the idea of me as their child's teacher having a google site for the class. This way they can keep track of what their child is doing in school and how the class room functions.

In my other classes we also have went over a lot of useful stuff! In my psychology class we learned how the brain works and some fun facts that can help us with our students. In our Art methods we learned about all the different learners. A color stood for each kind of learner. It was fun to see what color each one of us was and it will be useful because we need to aply different learning ways into our teaching so every child has a chance to learn the way they learn best. In social studies we learned how to incorporate social studies into other subjects such as language arts because teachers are not always giving enough time for social studies and it is important so we can incorporate social studies into other subjects that way everything is covered. A fun fact i learned this week was that teachers that include art into their lessons, their students always test higher then the students of teachers who do not include art. I had a lot of fun this week in all my classes, im really starting to enjoy learning the ways to be a successful teacher in the future.

This weeks video cracked me up!! I thought it was so funny and fun to watch. It was on fractions and I think it would be a great beggining to a fraction lesson. It was very educational and even taught me a few things! I thought it was upbeat and funny, it really put a twist on learning fractions! I would definatly put this to use in my classroom!

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