Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Chapter 1 Blog

1a: I really liked this quote from the book. To me, it means if we as teachers are willing to get to know our students and create ties and connections to them along with the rest of the class, they will be more open to share their knowledge because they feel more comfortable in their surroundings like they would around a family member. This will help students be themselves knowing that they are different but somewhat the same. If you allow yourself to make ties with the students as a teacher, you will be able to better help your students and help them in the best ways possible. An "ahh" popped into my head while reading this, when I was younger I was super shy. When my teachers would ask me questions about my life outside school i would feel more comfortable and more important. Just the simple ties my teacher would make with me really helped me be myself in that certain class. I think it is very important to make ties with our students.

1 comment:

Genan said...

As teachers we don't always realize how important those sincere questions are to our students. I'm glad you had a teacher who did.