Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blog #3

AMAZING! This would be the word to describe Silvia Allen's vistit to our classroom. She seems like such and awesome person. She is so talented! I was so engaged with everything she had to say, I could tell she has a deep passion for teaching. If I can be half the teacher she seemed to be, I will be delighted! She has me sold on morning meetings. After hearing all her experience with them, it seems hard to believe that any class can function through a day with out a morning meeting. I never knew there are so many things students gain from a simple morning meeting. There are so many benifits! I am looking forward to participating in morning meetings with my own class one day, I can't wait to see the outcome first hand. Anyways, I definatly earned how important creating class community is too. This ties into morning meetings. In morning meetings students learn how to interact with one antoher, accept everyone, make friends with students they would not normally play with, and most of all become comfortable with their peers. If the students are comfortable being themselves in the classroom they are more likely to succeed because they feel comfortable participating and answering questions. The students will be less stage freight and more outgoing in the classroom. This means they will dare to take risks! I dream of a classroom where all my students communicate with one another, help those who need help, and dare to say the wrong answer, this would make a successful learning enviroment. I wish my teachers would have help morning meetings so I myself as a students would have dared to participate more. I was always the shy, quiet one and still can be today! I feel like if I would have practiced morning meeting skills early on I would not struggle as much with participating in class disscussion!

1 comment:

Genan said...

It is an amazing place to develop so many positive social skills.