Sunday, November 16, 2008

EDEL 2200-001

This week in computer was a lot different from the other weeks! Doc Waters gave us a list of all the different things we needed to do for rest of the semester! I really like this idea because its allowing us to work on everything in our own time and at our own pace. I think i will enjoy it a lot more because i wont be stressed about due dates and gettting it done quick i can enjoy doing it and do my best on all of it since i have till the end of the semester!

The thing i started working on was the class rules. We were to make a list of all our class rules as if we were a teacher already. I thought of about ten. A few of them included, treat others how you would want to be treated, give respect and you will gain respect, no swearing, have fun learning, and there were a few more included on my list. I had fun designing and decorating my list. I made it cute and fun to look at so it would add to my classroom decor. I am looking forward to getting the rest of the assignments done and learning how to better from each tool that we will be using over the next few weeks!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This week in computer was a little different than our normal weeks of class. Doc Waters left us to play with kidspiration and learn how it works and figure out all the things you can do with it! While i did this, I realized that it is a very fun, useful and easy to use tool! I has everything! It has many different sections that include: Picture view, writing view and math view. Each of these bring up a new window that you can type in. You can create word webs, type a paper, insert pictures and a bunch more! Then there is a math, writing, science and social studies button that will help your kids learn each concept and more about that subject!

I think kidspiration is a very useful program for teachers! When I am a teacher I could let my kids play on it everyday for about thirty minutes and im sure they would learn alot! I could also have them do assignments on it and do activitys as a class on kidspiration! Its a fun interactive tool! I also think kids would like it because its a computer activity and kids seem to love to work on the computers! It has so much and would make learning fun and easy! I really liked this tool and hopfully I will get to work with it more later on!